• Going Green


  • Advisors: Melissa Gyenes

    Lisa Latorre

  • gyenesmel@hhschools.org

  • The Euclid School Going Green Club is a club that meets 1 Thursday a month at 7:50 AM in Mrs. Gyenes' classroom. This club consists of 4th graders who sign up. In this club, students learn about the importance of recycling and keeping a clean environment. One of their main jobs is that they are in charge of helping classrooms recycle. Each marking period they are assigned a classroom and asked to help them recycle for that marking period. This takes place in the 5 minutes before lunch daily. This club also holds important fundraisers. For example, they collect gently used clothing for the VETS or slightly used items for animal shelters. They promote these drives by creating posters to bring awareness to their schoolmates. They end the year by creating a small compost with worms and dirt. This is always a big hit with them!